Introducing Upload Contacts: a new beta feature designed to help you share basic contact information with Harness. Now you can easily upload CSV lists within Harness' system for easy contact tracking & future engagement.
How to Import Contacts
Download The Contact Import Template
You can now import contacts into Harness from Contacts > Upload Contacts. To start, download the CSV* template (this template includes all valid fields that can be imported).
In the template, you will be able to add the contact's first name, last name, email address, and phone number, enter if the contact has provided consent to receive emails from you/Harness, and add the contact to a text messaging list.
Export Contacts From You CRM
If you have existing contacts saved in your CRM/donor management software, export those contacts to a CSV/Excel file.
Add Your Exported Contacts to the Upload Template
Now, add your contacts to the downloaded CSV import template. To make this quick & easy, copy columns of contact data from the export you pulled from your CRM, and paste those columns into the CSV import template.
The column headers in the CSV template MUST remain in the file that you will be uploading. Removing the column headers will cause an error when importing.
When entering a contact's info into the template, required fields are:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
All other fields are optional. Be sure to add the correct data into the correct columns.
First & Last Names
A contact's first and last name are broken up into two columns: First Name and Last Name. If uploading a single contact that represents a couple, their first name should contact both persons' names and the last name should just be their last name (ex: first name: John & Jane, last name: Donor).
Email Addresses
Email addresses are the unique identifier for contacts in Harness. As such, email addresses must be provided for the contact in order to import them. It is important to provide a valid email address for each contact. Valid email addresses are always in the [email protected] format. While you may be able to import invalid email addresses, the contact will not be able to receive emails from Harness, including emails you attempt to send them through our platform.
Examples of invalid email addresses are:
example@ (missing the domain & top-level domain)
example@test (missing the top-level domain) (missing the @ symbol)
Phone Numbers
Phone numbers are option, but if provided must be in 10-digit format (XXX-XXX-XXXX). Country codes (ex: 1 and +1) and the use of parenthesis are unsupported and will results in an error in uploading or will create contacts with invalid phone numbers.
Examples of invalid/unsupported phone numbers are:
567-8901 (missing the area code)
1-234-567-8901 (shouldn't have a country code)
(1) 234-567-8901 (shouldn't have a country code or use parenthesis)
(234) 567-8901 (shouldn't use parenthesis & missing a hyphen after the area code)
Non-U.S.-based phone numbers
Email Consent
If a contact has provided you with consent to send them emails, you may also enter a response in the Email Consent field. Valid "yes" responses are: Yes, TRUE, and 1 (leaving the field blank also defaults email consent to yes). Entering No, FALSE, or 0 will result in the contact's email consent to be turned off, preventing them from receiving emails from/sent through Harness.
If a contact with the same email address already exists in Harness, their email address will not be able to be imported again. However, if the contact had previously not provide email consent but now has, their email consent can be updated using the importing tool by entering their First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Email Consent into the import template.
Text Messaging Lists
When adding the contact to a text messaging list, the list can be an already existing list found in your Harness Dashboard under Text Messages > Lists, or can be a list that does not yet exist. If adding to an existing list, copy the exact list name from Text Messages > Lists and paste the list name in the List column. If the list doesn't exist yet, when the contacts are uploaded the list will be created and will be named exactly what has been entered into the List column.
CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values. This means that a comma is considered a breaking point in the data and shifts the data to it's right to another column. As columns in the template are preset, it is important that you ensure NO commas are included in the data you're attempting to import. If a comma is included, this will cause an error when importing.
Upload Your Completed Template
Once you've added your contacts to the downloaded CSV template and have confirmed that the contact data is valid, now you can upload the CSV file to Harness to import those contacts. Be sure to have saved the file in the .CSV format.
Select the Upload CSV Template button then locate and select the file to upload. Once selected, you will be brought to your Saved Contacts and may see a message displayed at the top of the page saying: "Uploading your contacts. This may take a few minutes." Once the upload has been completed, the newly uploaded contacts will be added to your Saved Contacts.
If any contacts were unable to be uploaded, an error message will be displayed at the top of the page. See Upload Errors discussed later in this guide to learn more.
Text Messaging Lists
After your contacts have been imported into Harness, a list of those contacts will automatically created under Text Messages > Lists, and will be titled "Imported Contacts" followed by the date & time of the upload.
Additionally, if within the CSV template you added a list name in the List column for a contact, the contact will be added to that list as well. If a list with that exact name already existed in Harness under Text Messages > Lists, the contact will be added to that list. However, if the list did not already exist, the list would be created, and the contact would be added to the newly created list.
Upload Errors
It is possible that if a contact was added to the CSV template with missing or incomplete information that an error may occur. When that happens, an error message will display at the top of the page indicating how many contacts where successfully imported, how many contacts were unable to be imported, and a download option to download a list of the contacts that were unable to be imported.
After downloading the list of contacts that could not be imported, you will be able to see which contacts experienced an error as well as what the exact error was. You will need to correct the error and re-import those contacts using a new CSV template.
Potential errors include:
No email address provided
Invalid email address
Invalid phone number
Email address already exists in Harness
Importing Contacts Tutorial Video
How many contacts can I upload at a time?
There is no limit to the number of contacts that can be imported at a time. However, the greater the number of contacts to be imported, the longer the time it will take to process the import.
How can I segment my uploaded contacts into lists?
When you upload contacts using the bulk importing tool, we automatically create a list of the contacts within the upload. Additionally, you can indicate a list name in the List column within the CSV file to specify if a contact should be added to any other new or existing list.
What information can I include in my contact upload?
When uploading contacts you must provide the contact's first and last name, and their email address. Additionally, you can provide their phone number, if they have provided consent to receive emails, and add them to a text messaging list. No other information can be imported at this time, so please do not create additional columns in the import file.
Are there any best practices to uploading contact lists?
Yes, see detailed descriptions & best practices in the steps above.
What Harness subscription plans can access this beta feature?
Importing contacts is available to all Harness users on all plans.
When can I start uploading my contacts?
This feature is live and available in your dashboard to use now.