Data Fields (Column):
Donation Date (A)
Donation Time (B)
Donor First Name (C)
Donor Last Name (D)
Donor Email (E)
Donation Type - OT/MO/RU (F)
Campaign Designation - blank/empty if none (G)
Honor/Memory Honoree Designation (H) *in honor/memory donation only
Honor/Memory From Name (I) *in honor/memory donation only
Honor/Memory Designation (J) *in honor/memory donation only
Honor/Memory Message (K) *in honor/memory donation only
Honor/Memory Method of Delivery (L) *in honor/memory donation only
Honoree Recipient Email (M) *in honor/memory donation only
Honoree Recipient Address (N) *in honor/memory donation only
Intended Donation - Total donor intended to give (O)
Donation Note (P) *add a note/comment only
Fees Covered - Total fee your donor covered (Q)
Harness Platform Fee - Harness processing fee (R) *if applicable to your Harness subscription plan
Stripe Fee - Total processing fee Stripe charged (S)
Total Donation - Total amount received from your donor (T)
Donor Phone Number (U)
Donor Address Info (V-Z)
Country Designation (AA)
Custom Field Question Answers (AA+ - far right of your report)
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